To advise the president and executive vice president, to gather data, and to make policy recommendations on all issues relevant to women, including but not limited to:
Matters pertaining to all women at the University, including but not limited to, advancement and leadership, safety, childcare, and anti-discrimination/harassment practices.
Matters pertaining to women employees such as job opportunities, hiring practices, career advancement, salary equity, appointments to key committees in leadership roles, family medical leave, and other benefits.
Matters pertaining to women graduate, professional, and undergraduate students such as admission practices, awarding of financial aid, graduation rates, fellowships and assistantships, advising practices, and housing.
To establish close working relationships with other groups on campus and in the community working in areas related to the status of women to include, but not limited to the Office for Equal Opportunity, Associated Students of WSU, Association for Faculty Women, the Faculty Senate, Coalition for Women Students, Commission on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation, Graduate and Professional Student Association, Graduate School, Human Resource Services, the Office of Equity and Diversity, Gender Identity/Expression and Sexual Orientation Resource Center, Governor’s Interagency Committee of State Employed Women, Office of Student Affairs and Enrollment, Women’s Resource Center, and Commission on Campus Climate
To prepare and disseminate an annual report every summer, to be disseminated no later than June 30, advising the president and executive vice president of the current year’s accomplishments, recommendations, and data collected. This annual report is compiled by each Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) subcommittee and provided to the chair by June 15 of each year. After presentation to the president and executive vice president CSW publishes the report online to advise the WSU community.
To recommend to the president and executive vice president courses of appropriate action to enhance the status of women and to address inequities in outcomes and/or opportunities for women
Composition and tenure
The president appoints the WSU Commission on the Status of Women voting body. The commission recommends nominees for membership to the president in April of each year. The membership consists of a total of 27 voting members, with a minimum of 18 from the Pullman campus, 1 from the Tri-Cities campus, 1 from the Vancouver campus, 1 from the Spokane campus, 1 from any non-Pullman campus and the remainder from any of the previously mentioned constituencies, and/or learning centers, extension offices, or any other WSU locations–and non-voting, ex officio members representing other WSU constituencies