Our support for DACA students remains steadfast

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students:

With the U.S. Supreme Court on the cusp of considering oral arguments for and against the legality of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, now is an apt time to restate the University’s unequivocal support for all students, regardless of their immigration status.

This commitment is grounded in our longstanding institutional heritage. As a land‑grant institution, we continue to proudly subscribe to the overarching principle upon which land grants were created 157 years ago: namely, that higher education should be accessible to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, citizenship, or other protected characteristic. Put more simply, undocumented applicants to WSU—with or without DACA—will be considered for admission on the same basis as a U.S. citizen or any other applicant.

It is important to remember that the estimated up to 800,000 young people affected by the DACA policy were brought to the United States as children. They have made lives for themselves here, and they have enriched our communities nationwide in the process. Many of them embody the best of the American dream, excelling academically and now pursuing the rewards of a college education.

We are united with our partners and peer institutions in higher education, actively advocating for the rights of DACA students, using both judicial and legislative processes. At WSU, we also continue to welcome and support students at the university level, doing everything legally possible to protect our community and offering resources to those who need help.

Our Division of Student Affairs offers a number of resources, including case management, one‑on‑one counseling, and immigration consultations. Marcela Pattinson, WSU’s director of undocumented initiatives, heads up these critical efforts.

In closing, at Washington State we believe our success is measured not by whom we exclude, but by whom we include, and by how we help them succeed. Our ultimate goal transcends politics and remains squarely focused on supporting students in the attainment of their educational goals while equipping them for life‑long success.

In the end, we best serve the greater good by providing others with the wings they need to attain new heights.


Kirk Schulz

Bryan Slinker
Interim Provost and Executive Vice President

Stephanie Rink
Chair, Administrative Professional Advisory Council

Greg Crouch
Chair, Faculty Senate

Jaime Nolan
Associate Vice President, Division of Student Affairs