Reactor Safeguards Committee


  • Reviews and evaluates safety standards associated with the operation and use of the Nuclear Science Center
  • Determines whether a proposed change, test, or experiment would constitute a change in technical specifications or an unreviewed safety question
  • Approves alternative specifications where original specifications do not apply for additions, modifications, or maintenance to important reactor systems
  • Reviews and approves new experiments
  • Monitors reactor operations at least quarterly
  • Reviews and approves resumption of pulsing after the measured fuel temperature exceeds 600°C during a pulse, or when the power level exceeds 2800 megawatts during a pulse

Composition and tenure

  • 5 qualified faculty, administrative and professional personnel, or staff, appointed by the president, on the recommendation of the vice president for research, with 4-year terms (F-A/P-S)
  • Director, Nuclear Science Center, or representative, who serves as secretary; radiation safety supervisor (X)

Chair is nominated for approval by the president.

Responsible to the president through the vice president for research.

Committee membership

Boncella, Jim

Committee term end: 2027

Guo, Xiaofeng

Committee term end: 2027

Hines, C. Corey

Nuclear Science Center
Ex officio
Committee Secretary

Wolcott, Mike

Interim Vice President for Research
Ex officio

Kluzik, Michael

Office of Research Assurances
Committee term end: 2025

McGehee, Rey

University Radiation Safety Officer
Ex officio

Ringo, Shawn

Environmental Health & Safety
Committee Term Ends: 2027

Wu, Di

Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
Committee Chair
Committee term end: 2026

Zhang, Qiang (Jack)

Committee Term Ends: 2027