Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research

Institutional Review Board Overview

Human Subject Research at Washington State University is coordinated through two Institutional Review Boards (IRBs): Behavioral and Biomedical IRB (or IRB 1) and Summer and Ad Hoc IRB (IRB 2).  The WSU Institutional Review Boards are responsible for the review and approval of all research activities involving human subjects.  The IRBs are charged with protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects to ensure that physical, psychological, or social harms or other negative effects are minimized  in compliance with the federal, and state regulations, and university policies.  All research activities involving human subjects conducted by WSU faculty, staff, and students must be approved by the IRBs regardless of the funding source or location and prior to initiating any portion of the activity.  It is especially important that graduate students who use data from human subjects for theses and dissertations be fully aware of this policy.  Failure to comply with IRB review may make it impossible for these documents to be accepted by the Graduate School.  See the IRB website for guidance, training information, and additional IRB resources.

Committee Functions

  • Review research proposals that involve human subjects to ensure that they are in keeping with existing policies and regulations
  • Advise investigators on safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects
  • Recommend policies for safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects involved in research projects, in accordance with state and federal regulations

Committee Composition

  • The two WSU Institutional Review Boards each shall have at least 5 members, with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of research activities commonly conducted by the institution:
    • At least 1 member whose primary concerns are in scientific areas and at least 1 member whose primary concerns are in non-scientific areas
    • At least 1 member who is not otherwise affiliated with the institution and who is not part of the immediate family of a person who is affiliated with the institution
    • At least 1 physician (when required by the regulations)
  • Members will be predominantly faculty; however, any WSU staff (including IRB or other Office of Research Assurances staff) and graduate students may be members. Non-affiliated members may be any individual that enhances review of research projects.
  • The IRBs shall be sufficiently qualified through the experience and expertise of its members to ascertain the acceptability of proposed research in terms of institutional commitments and regulations, applicable law, and standards of professional conduct and practice.
  • Individuals who are knowledgeable about and experienced in working vulnerable categories of subjects, including but not limited to children, prisoners, pregnant women, or cognitively impared  persons will be included in the WSU IRBs when protocols involving vulnerable participants are reviewed.
  • The IRBs may not have a member participate in the IRBs’ initial or continuing review of any project in which the member has a conflicting interest, except to provide information requested by the IRBs.
  • The WSU IRBs may, at their discretion, invite individuals with competence in special areas to assist in the review of issues which require expertise beyond or in addition to that available on the IRBs. These individuals may not vote with the IRBs.

Committee Tenure

IRB members, including the chairs,  will be appointed for terms of up to three years. Members are appointed by the President upon recommendation of the Vice President for Research (VPR).

At WSU appointment authority has been delegated in writing to the VPR.

Committee Membership: Behavioral and Biomedical IRB

Barry, Christopher (Scientific)

Department of Psychology
Chair: 2019-2025
Committee term end: 2025

Kabasenche, Bill  (Non-Scientific)

School of Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs
Vice Chair: 2019-2025
Committee term end: 2025

Levien, Terri  (Scientific)

College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Vice Chair: 2019-2025
Committee term end: 2025

Bender, Naomi 

Native American Health Sciences
Consultant, Native American issues
Ad Hoc reviewer

Bracket, Heather (Non-Scientific)

Office of Research Assurances
Alternate member for Non-Scientific members
Ex officio

Catena, Robert (Scientific)

College of Education
Alternate member for Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Crossno, Joseph 

Assistant Director, Office or Research

Fales, Jessica (Non-Scientific)

Department of Psychology
Alternate Member for Non-Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Firestone, Jonah (Non-Scientific)

College of Education
Alternate member for Non-Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Gladstone, Joe (Non-Scientific)

Management Information Systems and Entrepreneurship
Alternate member for Non-Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Heston, Thomas ( Scientific)

Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
Alternate member for Non-Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Hicks, Barry (Non-Scientific)

Community Member
Committee term end: 2025

Hirchak, Katherine  (Scientific)

Assistant Research Professor
Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
Committee term end: 2025

James, Stephen (Non-Scientific)

College of Nursing
Alternate member for Non-Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Jandhyala, Malathi 

Office of Research Assurances

Kim, Jenny (Non-Scientific)

School of Hospitality and Business Management
Alternate Member for Non-Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Kluzik, Mike  (Non-Scientific)

Director, Office of Research Assurances
Ex oficio

Ladd, Ben (Non-Scientific)

Department of Psychology
Alternate member for Non-Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Lee, Yen-I (Non-Scientific)

Murrow College of Communications
Alternate member for Non-Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Lee, Yoon-Joo (Non-Scientific)

Murrow College of Communications
Alternate Member for scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Lokensgard, Ken (Non-Scientific)

Plateau Center for American Indian Studies
AI/AN Expert Reviewer
Committee term end: 2025

Liu, Chang (Non-Scientific)

Department of Psychology
Alternate Member for Non-Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Makamson, Sally

Assistant Director. Compliance and Risk Management

McDonnell, Michael (Scientific)

Community and Behavioral Health
Alternate Member for Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

McPherson, Sterling (Scientific)

Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
Alternate member for Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Muller, Clemma (Scientific)

Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
Alternate Member for Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Nelson, Lonnie (Scientific)

College of Nursing
AI/AN Expert Reviewer
Alternate member to Scientific members
Committee tern end: 2025

Phelps, Johanna  (Non-Scientific)

Department of English, WSU Vancouver
Committee term end: 2025

Richards, Claire  (Scientific)

College of Nursing
Alternate member for Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Robertson, Caitlin

Director, Office of the Corrections Ombuds
Prisoner’s representative

Roll, John (Scientific)

Vice Dean for Research
Associate Vice President for Health Sciences Research
Committee term end: 2025

Scheid, Julie Anne (Non-Scientific)

Office of Research Assurances
Ex officio

Schillinger, Andrew

Assistant Attorney General, WSU Office of the Attorney General
Legal Counsel, HIPAA compliance

Smith-Kaprosy, Jessica

Assistant Attorney General, WSU Office of the Attorney General
Legal counsel

Strong, Zoe Higheagle

Vice Provost for Native American Relations and Programs and Tribal Liaison
AI/AN Reviewer
Alternate Member for Non-scientific members

Thorburn, Kim  (Scientific, Physician)

Community member
Prisoner Representative
Committee term end: 2025

Tippett, Tija (Non-Scientific)

Office of Research Assurances
Alternate member for Non-Scientific members
Ex oficio

Walters, Michael

Interim Chief Information Security Officer

Weeks, Doug (Scientific)

Community and Behavioral Health
Alternate Member for Scientific members
Committee term end: 2025

Wirkkala, Sydney

Compliance Specialist
Office of Research Assurances